Tuesday, September 06, 2005


The Derivative
It is a truth universally acknowledged,
that a human being in possession of a brain
must be in want of an explanation
for the existence of maths.
What is the function of a Function?
And what is the Probability that a Function functions?
How un-coordinated those Coordinates are,
strewn all over the graph paper like that.
As the Cummulative Frequency of undone homework increases,
the comprehension of anything vaguely mathematical, decreases.
Thus, creating a Negative Correlation.
Sets are but silly circles worried over by an idiot,
filling one with self-importance and frustration,
signifying nothing.
As one ploughs through a set of questions vegetatively,
we can say that the Rate Of Change remains at a Constant-
and nothing is attained.
Ah yes, so Calculus did spend hours of his life, searching in vain
For the Derivative of the Derivative
only to bury himself in an infinite amount of bloody Derivatives.
Therefore, it can be easily Deduced
that Math is the Root of all Problems.

It only struck me today the reason for why people resort to doing maths. Being able to solve something on paper gives us some form of fulfilment, and makes up for our very evident lack of ability to solve problems that are pertinent to our everyday lives.

Yes, that may be the reason why people lock themselves up in their rooms and delve into the wonderful world of mathematics- to ease the hurt and the pain from knowing how incompetent they are when it comes to solving problems that feature in real-life. For once, people are actually able to solve problems that they are presented with. Redundant and irrelevant, yet fulfilling.

Perhaps maths, being man-made, was created to give us a sense of purpose, a sense of fulfilment, to make ourselves feel good about getting something right- when life in the real world outside -plagued by countless fears, obstacles and distractions- comes crashing down on us and there is no way to go about solving those problems.

Thus, we retreat into the world of graphical solutions and start calculating diameters of pathetic plastic bottles and depths of radioactive waste, when efforts at sorting out our own lives are rendered futile.

Come, take my hand and sit with me. Let us do some recreational algebra.

(credit to http://www.mothball-fantasy.blogspot.com/)


Maths is Love.


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